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June Gardening Tasks

June Gardening Tasks

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Now that the weather is getting warmer and fingers crossed there is less risk of frost, it’s time to get some tasks done. You can start by sowing biennials and perennials outside. For a real burst of colour, harden off and plant bedding plants in borders, containers and hanging baskets. Until the borders have filled out, keep on top of weeds and continue watering in dry weather. For those tall-growing flowers, don’t forget to add those plant supports. 

June is a perfect time to take cuttings, a great way to increase your stock of flowers, shrubs and plants for free. 

This month means plenty of summer colour in the garden, but you can still sow ready for next year. Sowing hardy biennials into nursery borders/patches where they are to flower. You could also sew them into outdoor trays and then, in the autumn, transfer them to their flowing positions.