The Advantages of calculating the amount of turf you will need
Calculating the amount of turf you will need for your project is not easy, especially if you don’t work in gardening and don’t necessarily know the ins and outs of laying turf.
Even if you hire a professional gardener to lay new turf for you, they will often still require you to order the products for them. Some may offer to order products, but they might also put an extra percentage on this to make some more money out of it themselves. You don’t want to be paying more than you need to for their services, especially when you can easily calculate the amount of turf that you will need by using a handy online turf calculator. Make sure you agree this with your gardener in advance, telling them that you will be able to order the products in for them. You might also need to check that they will be there to take the delivery for you, unless you are able to move lots of turf yourself. This might be a two person job anyway, and you may need to be there as well.
What are the benefits of using an online turf calculator?
These are some of the benefits you will gain from using a turf calculator for your next project:
- You will have enough turf. You won’t run out of turf part way through the project, as using a calculator ensures that you will have enough. You will often be recommended to order 5% more than the calculator suggests, just to make sure that you have enough when accounting for wastage on cuts. It will often cost more to order smaller amounts of turf, so it’s better to be able to buy as much as you need in one go.
- You wont’ have lots of wastage. Whilst there will always be some degree of wastage on cuts, you won’t be wasting lots of unused turf when you calculate your amounts correctly. If you are carrying out a one-off project, you don’t want to be left with lots of turf leftover, so this is by far the most efficient way of doing things.
- You can buy your own turf. This has cost savings, as already covered, as you won’t have to pay a gardener to source it for you. It also allows you to choose the turf supplier yourself. You can select a supplier that sources turf from quality nurseries and that has a good reputation for quality. If you need something specialist like tougher turf or shade resistant turf, you can find a supplier that offers this.